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  • Writer's pictureJonathan D. Richey

Establishment of the KCOM Honor Code

(As a member of the honor code committee, I and fellow medical students established the Honor Code within the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine Code of Conduct Document. This was the letter of introduction to the students)

Welcome back from break!

We hope the past weeks have been relaxing and your return to Kirksville was without any problems. Traditionally, the new calendar year is associated with beginnings and resolutions. For the past two years, the ATSU Student Government has been working to draft an Honor Code to provide guidance to all ATSU-KCOM students on ethical and professional conduct.

The Honor Code Committee believe this document should be added to the ATSU-KCOM Course Catalog as a complement to the Academic Code of Conduct and Code of Behavioral Standards. The Honor Code will serve as a guide for conduct outside the obvious academic arenas. In addition, it will be a reminder to all students of the high ethical and professional standards that will be placed on us as healthcare professionals. The Committee is suggesting that this brief statement be attached to documents including but not limited to exams, electronic quizzes, and student syllabi.

Any breaches of the Honor Code will be settled through the same channels as the breaches of the Academic Code of Conduct and Code of Behavioral Standards. This involves a preliminary hearing by the Peer-Review Committee chaired by the ATSU – KCOM Student Government Association 1st Vice President. An outline of the procedure is outlined in the ATSU College Catalog and can be found at

The Honor Code Committee plans to present this document at the next scheduled Student Government meeting on Monday, January 23rd at 12pm in Gutensohn 357. If you have any concerns or suggestions regarding this document or its implementation as outlined above, please feel free to contact your Class Representatives or any member of the Student Government Executive Board. As with all Student Government meetings, this will be an open session and all students, staff, and faculty are invited to attend and provide their input.


The Honor Code Committee

ATSU Student Government Association

Trevor Davis

Eleanor Jensen

Andy Jou

Jonathan Richey

Aaron Sigler

Chadwell Vail

ATSU-KCOM Honor Code

The ATSU-KCOM Honor Code is created by students to clarify both the ethical responsibilities of students and the reason behind their creation. This document is a part of the constitutional bylaws of the Student Government Association of the A.T. Still University of Health Sciences - Kirksville. Each student enrolled at ATSU is expected to abide by the honor code, and in doing so will take the following oath;

“As a student of ATSU-KCOM, I agree to uphold and encourage the highest standard of academic integrity and social responsibility.”

1.)​“Uphold and encourage the highest standards”

As a student of ATSU-KCOM, and as a member of the medical community I will promote an environment of high ethical and professional standards. I will hold both myself and my peers accountable for actions. I agree to inform the Peer Review Council of any violations I may become aware of, since I understand that a failure to address an incident is also a violation. I agree to these rules to maintain the trust and cooperation of my peers, and to ensure that teamwork and patronage will continue to be the foundations of academia at ATSU-KCOM.

The physician-patient relationship is one based on trust and respect. It is rooted in the physician’s reliable moral character, and his/her ability to consistently choose what is best for the patient. With this in consideration, I will choose to act according to the honor code while in the classroom, clinic, and community. I will be an advocate of high ethical and professional standards foremost by respecting my patients, colleagues, and profession. I will acknowledge and comply with the laws, policies, and regulations of ATSU-KCOM and the osteopathic profession.

2.)​“Academic integrity”

The following will be violations of the institution’s code of academic conduct:

  1. Providing or receiving unauthorized help during any test or examination

  2. Plagiarism, or representing the work of another as your own, or failure to give proper representation when citing another’s work

  3. Cheating on any academic activity, including (but not only) clinical requirements (falsification of histories, physicals, laboratory tests, rotation records,.), internships, assignments

  4. Improper relations or activities involving persons entrusted to a student

  5. Failure to appear before the Peer Review Council or failure to testify fully and truthfully during any such appearances before the PRC if requested to testify.

  6. Altering grades or other official records

  7. Sabotage of other students work, including the intentional destruction of any labor or creation, impairing access to information or material necessary for successful completion of assignments,

  8. Failure to report any of the above violations

3.)​“Social responsibility”

As a student, I understand the inherent trust and accountability assumed in my profession, and my responsibility to society. I will honor this trust and responsibility by acknowledging and complying with the ethical standards set forth in the medical profession. I will conduct myself in a professional manner, and maintain a high regard for those who I may serve, regardless of race, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ability to pay, or social status.

Any suspected breaches of the ATSU-KCOM Honor Code will be addressed by the Peer Review Committee chaired by the 1st Vice President of the ATSU-KCOM Student Government Association. The complete protocol for suspected breaches can be found in the ATSU College Catalog. This document may be accessed on-line at

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